
This is the JMU Department of Computer Science public mirror.


2024-Feb-06 The mirror hardware has been updated! See below for details.
2020-Oct-12 The MSYS2 project has been added to the mirror.
2018-Aug-30 Web statistics are live.
2018-Mar-16 The new CS department mirror is online and publicly available! Please contact us if you encounter any problems.
2018-Feb-18 The server is undergoing an overhaul.


The following software can be found on this server.

Project Notes Sync Interval Protocols Approx. Size Last Sync
Linux Mint Releases cd images twice daily http 107G Jul 26 13:50 ET
Linux Mint Archives packages every four hours http 40.0G Jul 26 21:41 ET
MSYS2 packages twice daily http 860G Jul 26 14:06 ET
Ubuntu Releases cd images twice daily http 39.9G Jul 26 13:15 ET
Ubuntu Archives packages every two hours http 2.86T Jul 26 21:30 ET
Vim full mirror daily http 6.35G Jul 26 02:20 ET


This mirror is located on the campus of James Madison University in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. There are two servers behind mirror.cs.jmu.edu to provide a better level of availability. The configuration of both servers is identical:

Custom software is used to keep the servers in sync with upstream and with each other.

Last updated: Fri Jul 26 10:00:01 PM EDT 2024